How Long do Titanium Implants Last?


Dental implants are made of titanium because it is a strong, biocompatible and light metal. Titanium is the perfect choice for implants because it is strong enough to withstand the forces of biting and chewing, it is biocompatible, so it will not cause any adverse reactions in the body, and it is light, so it will not weigh down the jaw.

On average, titanium implants last for 10 to 20 years. However, some people may need to replace their implants sooner if they experience wear and tear on their teeth or if their body does not heal properly around the implant.

Are there any risks associated with titanium implants?

There are very few risks associated with titanium implants. The most common complication is implant failure, which occurs in less than 5% of cases. Other complications include infection, nerve damage, and tissue death.

How can I care for my titanium implant?

You should brush and floss your teeth as you would normally. You should also see your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. If you experience any pain or discomfort around your implant, please contact your dentist immediately.

What should I do if my titanium implant fails?

If your titanium implant fails, you will need to have it replaced by a new implant. Your dentist will be able to help you with this process.

Next Smile Melbourne is a dental implant clinic dedicated to providing high-quality implants that last. Our Gold Standard model around the Malo Protocol and the renowned All-on-4® procedure ensures that our implants are of the highest quality and provide the best possible results for our patients. All-on-4® minimises the need for invasive surgery and greatly reduces the patient’s healing time. If you are looking at getting All-on-4® implants, contact the team today to book a consultation.


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