How Often Should You Visit The Dentist For Checkups?

 The key to good oral health is a regular visit to a dentist. Twice a year visits to the dentist is recommended, although this might not be enough especially if you have certain oral health conditions.

There are several reasons why you should book an appointment with a dentist on a regular basis. These include:

1. Professional Teeth Cleaning

Most people think that brushing and teeth flossing are enough, and therefore they do not visit a dentist regularly. However, despite brushing and flossing, plaque can still build up. Plaque accumulation happens over time and this then hardens to tartar which causes gum disease and teeth cavities.

The good news is that your dentist has the tools needed to easily remove plaque. Some of the tools your dentist will use to examine and clean your teeth include: mirrors, polishers, and scalers.

It can be difficult for you to have a 100% oral health without a regular visit to the dentist.

2. Helps Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease is very common and its leading cause is a poor dental health routine. Your dentist will go a step further to carefully examine your gum to see if there are developing problems.

Your dentist may also use more sophisticated tools such as the X-ray machine to detect problems with your gums.

Seeing a dentist will also help you to treat problems such as gingivitis, tumours, or any other oral problems before it’s too late. When a problem is detected early, it’s easier to treat.


How Often Should You Visit A Dentist?

Most dentists recommend a cleaning and checkup routine after every six months. But you might be having serious oral health problems that might need more regular visits to a dentist.

For most people, a twice a year visit to a dentist is just enough. However, to others who have greater risk of health conditions, they may need more visits. For example, people with the following conditions will need to frequent their dentist more.

  • People with diabetes
  • People who smoke
  • People with the risk of gum illness
  • Individuals with a weak immune system

Prevention through regular maintenance is not only better for your health, but more cost effective in the long run. Some problems such as cavities, gum diseases, and even tooth loss can be costly to fix.

Next Smile are professional dentists offering quality dental services such as dental implants and the exclusive All-On-4 treatment. Contact Next Smile for more information.


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