Health Benefits of Getting All on 4 Implants

All on 4 Implants

Do you have a dental phobia that prevents you from going to the dentist or even thinking about teeth? If so, it’s time to take control of your teeth with help from Next Smile Brisbane. Our All-on-4® treatment is designed for people who want a long-term solution to their missing teeth problem. It offers an alternative to dentures which are often uncomfortable and inconvenient. And unlike traditional implants, our innovative techniques reduce the need for invasive bone grafting procedures in cases where there is little natural bone available. With us, you can enjoy life without worrying about painful teeth grinding or loose dentures. You can smile comfortably and confidently again – for life!

If you’re considering getting dental implants, All-on-4® is an excellent option. Here are just some of the many benefits:

1.You’ll enjoy an enhanced quality of life – teeth grinding and teeth clenching can lead to several problems, including headaches, jaw pain and even earache. Dental implants can help to relieve these symptoms and give you back your quality of life.
2.You’ll be able to eat what you want – with traditional dentures; there are certain foods that you have to avoid to prevent them from becoming loose or falling out. With All-on-4®, you can eat whatever you want without worrying about your teeth.
3.You’ll have a natural-looking smile – our implants are made from high-quality materials that look just like natural teeth. No one will be able to tell that you have implants unless you tell them.
4.You can avoid expensive and painful bone grafts – in cases where there is little natural bone available, traditional dental implants require extensive and expensive bone grafting procedures. With All-on-4®, we can avoid this altogether in most cases.

If you’re looking for a long-term solution to your teeth problems, All-on-4® may be the right option for you. Contact us to learn more about this innovative treatment and how it can benefit you.


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