How are dental implants different to their alternatives?
Dental implants are a kind of prosthetic tooth replacement. They are not removable, as they are inserted into the jaw bone and anchored by a screw--usually made of titanium metal but occasionally comprised of porcelain.
The implant will be integrated with the bone and create a new biological environment that responds to dental procedures just like natural teeth do. They can be utilised as an option for crowns and bridges or as an alternative to dentures.
Different kinds of implants exist for various purposes: the aforementioned dental implant is one type; it is typically used when all of one's natural teeth have been removed or damaged past use for eating/speaking purposes. Other implants are used when one needs a bridge to replace missing teeth or a removable prosthetic to support eating and speaking.
The main difference between the more common dental implant and the dental implant alternative is how they are inserted. There are numerous methods available today for inserting the dental implant into the jaw bone, some of which do not require any surgery and can be done at a clinic. In contrast, others require the extraction of bone from another part of the body to use as a scaffold that supports insertion.
So, what is a dental implant? Is it surgery?
The major procedure consists of cutting an incision on the roof of the gums to create a small hole through which the implant screws are inserted. This will generally be done near an existing pocket between your two existing upper teeth. After the implant is affixed to the jawbone, it will be covered by gum tissue and allowed to heal in a process that takes several months.
The most difficult aspect of dental implants for most people is deciding whether or not it is necessary for their particular needs and enduring the initial healing period.
Deciding If Dental Implants Are Right for You
Dental implants are available to everyone who has lost a tooth or whose natural teeth are severely deformed or damaged. However, not everyone is suitable for implants. People with poor oral health and smokers are not suitable for the implants.
Next Smile Wollongong offers the best treatment and care for your dental health. If you need dental implants or other teeth replacement options, get in touch with them. Visit their website for more information on their services.
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